Calamondin and the classic G&T

Calamondin and the classic G&T

Pete Thompson
Gin and tonic with Calamondin garnish

So you have your first Terrace citrus tree happily nestled in it’s new pot, pride of place on your terrace, balcony or courtyard. It looks beautiful but what do you do with all those lovely fruit beginning to ripen. Perhaps one even got knocked off (it happens) in the planting process, or an enthusiastic wag from the dog has sent one flying – it wont happen again if you have a prickly Caviar Lime!

Co-founder Pete also happens to be a farmer (more of that on our blog) and a few years back faced with some excess fruit from his apple orchards launched Reliquum, a premium spirits brand creating small batch gin and apple eau de vie. Pete and distiller John quickly realised that Pete’s on-farm Citrus trials in his polytunnels and fields provided a tempting range of botanicals. The Reliquum London Dry Gin uses the apple eau de vie as a botanical alongside the juniper, coriander and hazelnut but the lead botanical is none other than Calamondin fruit and leaves, delivering an unmistakeable citrus aroma and flavour.

So why not snip off (remember snip don’t pull to avoid damage to the tree) one of the ripe orange Calamondin from your tree, cut in half and with a little squeeze pop in your G&T with a torn leaf or two, sit back and enjoy with your home-grown garnish. Even better grab a bottle of the Reliquum London Dry online and use that!